We decided to induce at 39 weeks, I was diagnosed Group Beta Strep Positive and because my family has a history with quick labors we thought it best that we went the route of induction to insure that I had plenty of antibiotics before delivery. We checked into the hospital February 8th at 5pm, Jason and I both worked a half day because we were so excited we thought it would help pass the time.
They gave me cervidil at 6pm and by 6:30pm I was having full on regular contractions. We were told there was only a small chance that this would jump start labor however, I was one of the few that it worked on. They started pretty strong and were coming at 5 min intervals, when I checked in I was only dilated to 1 cm, so we had a long way to go. I wasn't allowed to get up for 2 hours and had to lay in one position the whole time, I also wasn't allowed to eat for those 2 hours. Jason left about 7 to go check on the dogs and to get us dinner. I was allowed to eat dinner at 8pm, however I was in soooo much pain that I couldn't eat the KFC mashed potatoes and gravy (comfort food). I planned on holding off on the epidural until we got really close however I was having intense contractions and could not sleep at all despite the sleeping meds they administered. At about 1030pm I decided to go ahead and get the epidural which I was totally scared of, big needle totally scary!!! It was not bad at all, the worst part was the numbing shots and the rest was a piece of cake. Because I had to get antibiotics every 4 hours we didn't get much sleep, and then at 5am on February 9th they gave me Pitocin. My mom, dad, brother and sister came up that morning to relieve Jason so he could get breakfast and go let the Dogs out. I was not allowed to eat at all and was only allowed to have Popsicles and ice chips...and for those of you who really know me, know I get a tad bit cranky when I am hungry so I apologize if I was hateful, I was not myself! I did however indulge in several cherry Popsicles.
At 8am on February 9th my doctor came in and broke my water which did make my contractions start coming about every 3 minutes and they were very strong. Xander was doing great but I was still not progressing very much, at this point I was so tired that I don't exactly remember all of the times and details. At one point I was I was told I was at 5 cm dilated and I stayed there for awhile. My epidural port came unplugged at one point and I was feeling everything again...except my legs haha! I even told the nurse and they came in and upped my dosage, which I didn't get because I was unplugged. We finally discovered it and I was hooked back up and all was well. I finally progressed to 8 cm around 4 pm (I think) and that is where I stayed until 8pm. Because it had been 12 hours after my water had broken my doctor came in to check everything, and to discuss our options. She could feel his head coming down but just didn't think he was going to fit, I specifically remember cone head being mentioned. She really thought we should pursue a C-Section, and honestly after 27 or so hours of labor I was happy to agree with her. All I wanted was a healthy baby so if the doctor thought it best that we have a C-Section then I was totally on board.
They prepped me right away, and we were ready to go! Jason and my mom were in the room and everything went really smooth. I was so tired I could barely stay awake but I was just really ready to meet my little man!! Everyone was great and it went so fast and before we knew it Xander arrived at 8:48pm. It was such an amazing and emotional experience that I totally don't feel like I missed a thing with a normal birth. As soon as I saw him I started crying like a big baby, Xander on the other hand did not cry. I was so worried but was told everything was fine in fact they only got him to cry once or twice, and he still isn't a cryer. He had a big knot on the top of his head from labor, and was definitely not going to come out the natural way so I am glad we made the call at 27 hours instead of waiting longer for something that was just not going to happen. Because he wouldn't cry they had to suction his lungs and give him oxygen to get everything out and then Jason brought him over to me so we could spend a moment together before I went back to my room.
Before I knew it they had me stitched up and in the room and I had Xander on my chest. He was 7 pounds 3 ounces and 21 inches at birth however after the knot went down it was more like 20.5 inches. He got a clean bill of health and wasn't affected my the Group Beta Strep.He is such an amazing blessing and an amazing baby, he hardly cries keeps to a pretty regular schedule and just has both Jason and I wrapped around his finger.
Mommy Love
First Bath
Here are some pictures that we took while in the hospital
Headed Home!!!